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تأسست شركة Hefei BAUFAR Power Technique Co.,Ltd. في عام 2012 ، وهي متخصصة في البحث والتطوير والتصنيع والتسويق لنظام تخزين الطاقة. يشمل خط منتجاتنا بطارية تخزين الطاقة السكنية ومحطة الطاقة المحمولة. كما نقوم بتصميم وتوريد أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية للعملاء. لقد اجتاز BAUFAR أنظمة المصنع وشهادات المنتج مثل شهادات ISO9001 ، UN38.3 ، MSDS ، TUV ، إلخ. تصر BAUFAR على قيمة "الموثوقية والمهنية والمربحة للجانبين" - الهدف هو مساعدة عملائنا على توفير المال من خلال جعل منازلهم أكثر كفاءة في استخدام الطاقة من خلال حلول الطاقة الموثوقة والمهنية لدينا. لقد جعلنا هدفنا هو السماح لعملائنا وشركائنا في جميع أنحاء العالم بالاستمتاع بمستقبل طاقة نظيف وموثوق وبأسعار معقولة ، ونعتقد أن BAUFAR هي أفضل شريك لتزويدك بحلول نظام الطاقة الذكية. نرحب بك أيضًا لتكون وكيلنا العالمي!
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CCTV News: Solar Power Expected to Surpass Coal Power and Become the Main Source of Electricity Generation by 2027
CCTV News: Solar Power Expected to Surpass Coal Power and Become the Main Source of Electricity Generation by 2027
According to a recent report from the CCTV-2 finance channel program "World Finance" by China Central Television (CCTV), the International Energy Agency (IEA) recently stated that by 2027, solar power is expected to surpass coal power and become the main source of electricity generation.   Over a decade ago, solar power was barely noticeable in the global energy competition, with less than 1% of electricity generation coming from solar power. But now, the situation has changed. The IEA predicts that in three years, solar power generation will surpass natural gas, and within four years, by 2027, it may surpass coal to become the main source of electricity generation.   One important reason for this shift is the significant decrease in the installation cost of solar power. Data shows that the average construction and operation costs for utility-scale solar power have been continuously decreasing since 2009 and were approximately $36 per megawatt-hour (MWh) in 2021, a decrease of about 90% compared to 2009. In contrast, the cost of coal has remained relatively stable and was around $108 per MWh in 2021. Bahar, an analyst in the renewable energy market at the IEA, expects that solar power will account for almost 60% of newly built power facilities in the next five years.   Moreover, in recent years, governments around the world have increasingly emphasized energy security and introduced corresponding policies to support it. According to the European Union's plan, its solar photovoltaic installed capacity will increase by more than double from 2020 to 2025, reaching 320 gigawatts, and will reach 600 gigawatts by 2030. The US's "Inflation Reduction Act" is expected to allow solar power developers to enjoy certain tax credits and deductions for ten years, enabling long-term and large-scale construction.   However, solar power generation still faces some challenges. The White House in the US has stated that over 70% of the US power grid has been in use for over 25 years, and the old transmission lines may not meet the demand for clean energy such as solar power. In addition, the traditional locations of power grids may not be suitable for transporting clean energy. Upgrading the power grid may further increase the cost of electricity.   Source: CCTV News Editor: Inner Mongolia Carbon Neutrality Industry Association Editorial Department Disclaimer: Please indicate the source when reprinting.
  • 012023-03
    Do you know about the "Action Plan for Innovative Development of Intelligent Photovoltaic Industry (2021-2025)"?
    On January 4th of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the "Action Plan for Innovative Development of Intelligent Photovoltaic Industry (2021-2025)", which aims to promote the deep integration of the photovoltaic industry with new generation information technology, accelerate the realization of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent applications, intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent scheduling, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of China's photovoltaic industry development, and promote the achievement of the dual-carbon goals.   The plan mentions that in urban and rural areas where conditions permit, overall promotion of residential intelligent photovoltaic systems on rooftops is planned, and new government-invested public buildings are encouraged to promote solar roof systems. Demonstrations of regional-level photovoltaic distributed applications based on intelligent photovoltaic systems and new technologies such as energy storage and building power demand response will be carried out. The level of intelligent photovoltaic applications in buildings will be improved. Construction demonstrations of "light-storage-flexibility" buildings integrating photovoltaic power generation, energy storage, DC distribution, and flexible electricity use will be actively carried out.   The photovoltaic industry is a sunrise industry that has rapidly emerged through the integration of semiconductor technology and the demand for new energy. It is also a major key area to achieve the goals of becoming a manufacturing power and an energy revolution. To promote the deep integration of the photovoltaic industry with new generation information technology, accelerate the realization of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent applications, intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent scheduling, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of China's photovoltaic industry development, and promote the achievement of the dual-carbon goals in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060, this action plan has been formulated. The action plan elaborates on the following aspects.   Action Plan for Innovation and Upgrading of Intelligent Photovoltaic Industry   1. Polycrystalline silicon: support low-energy consumption, low-cost production of polycrystalline silicon, improve product quality and stability, and expand breakthroughs in high-purity electronic-grade polycrystalline silicon. Research and promote automation and intelligence in the production and post-processing of polycrystalline silicon. Promote the establishment of an online emergency command system for polycrystalline silicon production.   2. Silicon ingot/wafer: support large-size monocrystalline silicon ingot pulling, and improve the single furn...
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  • 232023-02
    Household photovoltaic + High electricity price, household energy storage has become a new track
    Household photovoltaics plus high electricity prices, household energy storage have become a new track   Under the "dual-carbon" target, new energy sources represented by photovoltaics have seen rapid growth under favorable policies. As energy storage technologies mature and costs decrease, the household sector has gradually become an important field for the application of new energy.   Especially in overseas markets, the economic benefits of household energy storage have gradually become prominent as residential electricity prices continue to rise, coupled with government fiscal subsidies, further promoting its rapid popularity.   From the demand side, the continuous rise in electricity prices has led to a surge in demand for household energy storage. Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European countries have been deeply mired in inflation and energy crises, and energy prices have continued to rise. According to data from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in London, natural gas futures reached $2,861.6 per thousand cubic meters on August 22, setting a historical high for many natural gas hubs in Europe and reaching the highest level since its operation in 1996. The continuous shortage of natural gas supply has led to a continuous increase in electricity prices. This has greatly stimulated the application of photovoltaic power generation in household scenarios and triggered the explosion of household energy storage.   On the other hand, poor power supply stability has stimulated resident demand. In some overseas regions, communities are dispersed, and the construction cost of the power grid is high, with weak coordination capabilities, especially under extreme weather conditions, various large-scale power outages occur frequently, and the stability of power supply to residents is poor. Household energy storage can provide emergency power supply when there is a public power grid failure or unstable power supply, improving the stability of electricity use.   From the supply side, photovoltaics have formed a relatively mature system in technology and application, and have a relatively high penetration rate in some overseas developed regions. With the development model of photovoltaics shifting from subsidy-based and full-grid connection to self-economy-driven and self-use, the demand for supporting energy storage is gradually becoming prominent.   US household installation capacity can reach 4.9GW/14.3GWh from 2021-2026   Affected by factors such as the pandemic and supply chain shortages, the global new household energy storage market still maintained a high-speed growth trend in 2021, with an installed capacity of newly operational power storage projects of 18.3GW, an increase of 185% year-on-year. Among them, European and American household energy storage has shown an explosive growth trend at a doubling rate every year since 2021. The installed capacity of energy storage in the United States reached 3.51GW/10...
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  • 152023-02
    The final decision of the central government: put the promotion of new energy development in a more prominent position, and 2023 photovoltaics can be done with confidence!
    Recently, new energy sources such as photovoltaics and wind power have welcomed the benefits released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.   The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued the "Outline for Building a Powerful Country with Quality" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline"). Key words such as "green" and "low carbon" appear frequently in the "Outline", reflecting that the implementation of the "double carbon" goal runs through all fields.   The "Outline" emphasizes the establishment of a green orientation for quality development. Carry out actions to improve the resource efficiency of key industries and key products, accelerate the research on key core technologies of low-carbon, zero-carbon and negative-carbon, and promote the low-carbon transformation of high energy-consuming industries. Comprehensively promote green design, green manufacturing, and green construction, improve unified green product standards, certification, and labeling systems, and vigorously develop green supply chains. Optimize technical standards for resource recycling to achieve green and efficient resource reuse. Establish and improve the carbon peak and carbon neutral standard measurement system, and promote the establishment of internationally recognized carbon measurement base standards, carbon monitoring and effect evaluation mechanisms. Establish and implement a standard system for land space ecological restoration. Establish a green product consumption promotion system to promote green lifestyles.   The "Outline" also pointed out that vigorously develop green buildings, further promote the application of renewable energy and resource buildings, and realize low-carbon environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction in the whole process of engineering construction.   The central government sets the tone for new energy   This is not the first time keywords such as new energy, renewable energy, and double carbon have appeared in the action program of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. On December 19-21, 2022, the 2023 Central Economic Work Conference will be held in Beijing. The meeting mentioned accelerating the planning and construction of new energy systems, pumped storage, electrified energy storage, etc., and finalized the tone for the development of new energy in 2023.   The meeting called for government investment and policy incentives to effectively drive social investment and accelerate the implementation of major projects during the 14th Five-Year Plan. Accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, accelerate the research and development, application and promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as new energy, and seize new opportunities in the process of adjusting the global industrial structure and layout. The relevant fiscal and financial policies proposed by the Cen...
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